Femke Eerland
ESNS: 2023
Stichting Noorderzon Groningen
Femke is general manager of Noorderzon festival of Performing arts & Society Groningen. Noorderzon Festival of Performing Arts & Society is the somewhat curious combination of a cutting-edge international art festival and a large-scale summer fest for 135,000 visitors. The heart of the festival is the idyllic Noorderplantsoen (a city park) in Groningen, NL, where, for eleven summer days, a freely accessible festival village appears almost out of nowhere to provide a setting for theatre, dance, music, literature, aftertalks and lectures in combination with eating, drinking and social encounters. Performances take place in tents or on outdoor stages in the Noorderplantsoen, as well as at many locations in the inner city of Groningen (Noorderzon DownTown). A deep ambition on sustainable matters has always been in the DNA of Noorderzon as well; a proud holder of the Green Key for Events.