Web 3 - Metaverse confessions

Presented by: ESNS Tech
THU - 13:30-14:30 - Oosterpoort - Bovenzaal 1
Tech & Innovation
English spoken
The Metaverse is often defined as a new layer for internet where people can connect, work, play, consume, trade and create. Many of the applications are built on decentralized technologies and connecting it often to the Web 3.0 phenomenon. We’ve seen a huge number of examples of companies and brands starting to explore what the Metaverse might mean for their business in the future. Music is one of industries active in this space. Under the tech-driven buzz-words, the business questions remain the same. The protection of intellectual property and licensing remain still open questions in virtual worlds. At the same time for community building and fan engagement there are many tools already available. What other labels, artists and music companies have already done in this space? What do you have to take into account as a music professional when building meaningful music experiences, brand activation, merch campaigns or creative collaboration in the Metaverse?
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