NP3 x Ra'fat Ali x Katie Ceekay - Talent van Hier
Art -
Free activity
SAT - 13:00-17:00 - NP3
NP3 presents Ra'fat Ali and Katie Ceekay. They are the current LABitat artists at NP3 | RE:Search:Gallery, where they are working on the next step in their artistic research. During Talent van Hier, they will present their latest developments to the public.
Katie approaches art as a verb, putting the stimulation of discussion and debate above the material. She positions herself at the intersection of community building and political intervention.
Questioning the elements of film, Ra'fat explores the structures of his own identity and the confusion he faces outside his home city, away from his native language, Arabic.
For Talent van Hier, Katie marks the transition from the first steps in building a creative coalition of Northern artists to taking the first intervention actions. Ra'fat presents a new installation, based on a key moment from his current film project, taking his research further.
Katie approaches art as a verb, putting the stimulation of discussion and debate above the material. She positions herself at the intersection of community building and political intervention.
Questioning the elements of film, Ra'fat explores the structures of his own identity and the confusion he faces outside his home city, away from his native language, Arabic.
For Talent van Hier, Katie marks the transition from the first steps in building a creative coalition of Northern artists to taking the first intervention actions. Ra'fat presents a new installation, based on a key moment from his current film project, taking his research further.
Presented by:
Talent van Hier