Creative Europe: sharing ideas and information on European cooperation projects
Gepresenteerd door:
19 Jan -
16:10 -
17:30 -
Politics & Policy
English spoken
Creative Europe is the EU programme for the cultural and creative sectors, with a focus on international collaboration. The Music Moves Europe initiative will be presented during ESNS, but there are also many opportunities for the European music sector within other funding calls of the programme, specifically the annual call European Cooperation Projects. During this session, participants will get an introduction to this call, and can discuss in small groups what their ideas for cooperation projects are, which type of partners they are looking for, and ask feedback to Creative Europe desk advisors. The session is organised by the Creative Europe desks of several countries.

Albert Meijer
Creative Europe Desk NL | DutchCulture

Nicoline Joy Haas
Creative Europe Desk

Julie Mathieu
Creative Europe Desk LU

Anastasija Konkina
Creative Europe Desk

Gegeen Togooch
Creative Europe Desk NL | DutchCulture

Jelle Burggraaff
Creative Europe Desk