The future is so bright, I gotta wear shades
Imagining future scenarios with and for the music sector
Gepresenteerd door:
19 Jan -
13:30 -
14:30 -
ESNS Science
English spoken
But does it really look so bright? Or is that just an assumption? And what other assumptions are we making about the future? What do our future images tell us about what see, but also what we do not see? If there was ever a time to learn from the future, it is now! We use the future everyday: we plan, we hope, fear and dream. Yet we know very little about HOW we use the future! Futures Literacy is the capability of using different futures to rethink the present. In this interactive session you will stretch your imagination by playing with probable, desirable and alternative futures to gain a deeper understanding of the world around us: What assumptions do we have about the music and its industry? What are the blind spots in our scenarios? What new questions should we ask ourselves? Answering these questions will enable us to better shape the much needed transition towards a fair, equitable and sustainable future music sector. We urge everyone who wants to participate in this session to also take part in the preceding session on transitions by Derk Loorbach.