Danny Schüttler
ESNS: 2024
Founder, Holy Swap
Danny Schüttler is founder of Holy Swap! This circular startup is on a mission to inspire people to stop longing for new products, and start celebrating life with what’s already there. The goal is to prevent as much as waste and unnecessary new production as possible. In the run-up to a festival, many visitors buy new stuff. This means that the responsibility of festival organizations on sustainability starts even before visitors walk through the gate. Holy Swap! offers a solution that enriches the festival with a community stimulating activity and helps visitors and festival organizations to minimize their impact. It’s a win-win-win! Holy Swap! offers a swap platform for used products. It’s circular, fun and hybrid. Which means you can connect and swap items with like-minded individuals, offline at one of their existing swap events, and soon online in an app too. Whichever way you enter, you will enter an environment where swapping used stuff is made simple, affordable and ridiculously exciting! This summer, Holy Swap! will test their innovation at Oerol. With this, Holy Swap! wants to learn whether offering a swap platform on a festival is interesting for visitors, festival organizations and Holy Swap! itself. Are you interested in adding this sustainable and community stimulating innovation to your festival? Feel free to contact Danny.