Verenigd Koninkrijk
Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt
ESNS: 2023 , 2024
Director of Innovation & Education, IMMF
Jake is a music artist manager, he also advises music artists and technology companies on business strategies and development. Jake has worked with self-releasing, and signed artists in Asia, Europe, and the USA. He has taken self-funded, self-releasing artists to #2 album chart success in the Netherlands, major label deals in the UK, and leading indie label deals in the USA. With a background in financial markets, he consults for rights technology companies, and rights holders. Music rights and royalties clients have included Beyonce, Rihanna, The Eagles, Radiohead and The Clash. Jake has been part of music industry stakeholder dialogues with WIPO, EU, UK, US policy makers; and regularly speaks on artist management, and music industry innovation topics around the world. Jake is a past Executive Director of, and current Director of Innovation & Education at the International Music Managers Forum (IMMF) connecting artists and managers from 65+ countries, with committees on IP, Live, Finance, and all aspects of an artists business agenda. Funded by the European Commission and IMMF Jake led development of a music business education program covering all aspects of the industry. As part of Project Zero, supporting Ocean conservation projects, Jake was involved in the first ever launch of a social token by a registered charity, using Web3 to organise communities, including artist’s fanbases. In October 2023 Project Zero soft-launched a campaign to target tourism in Iceland using music and social influencers to raise awareness of Fin whale whaling in Iceland.