Simone Dudt
Simone Dudt
Simone Dudt
ESNS: 2023
Simone studied cultural sciences in Hildesheim, Germany and Marseille, France focusing on Fine Arts and Music. She has been working for the European Music Council since 2004. Today, she is Secretary General of the European Music Council in dual leadership with Ruth Jakobi. She is responsible for EMC’s strategic development, for advocacy work in cultural policy, as well as for the planning and implementation of international cooperation projects. One of the most relevant advocacy tools coordinated by the EMC in cooperation with a huge number of stakeholders across the European music sector is the European Agenda for Music. She is in charge of the MusicAIRE project that aims at providing EU funding for a greeen, digital and just & resilient recovery for the European Music sector. Music AIRE is co-ordinated by Inova+ and funded in the frame of the EU's Music Moves Europe preparatory action.