Volledige programma voor Focus on Spain aangekondigd
ESNS proudly presents the full programme of the earlier announced Focus on Spain project, in close collaboration with The Spanish Wave. Focus on Spain features showcases of fifteen upcoming Spanish acts from different parts of the country, a conference programme that explores the music industry in Spain and the ‘Meet The Spaniards! Mixer & Fiesta’.

The Spanish acts performing at ESNS 2023 are: Ghouljaboy (Andalucia), Irenegarry (Madrid), Kokoshca (Navarra), Go Cactus (Balearic Islands), Maestro Espada (Murcia), Mainline Magic Orchestra (Catalonia), Marina Herlop (Catalonia), Marta Knight (Catalonia), Merina Gris (Basque Country), Mundo Prestigio (Galicia), Queralt Lahoz (Catalonia), Shanghai Baby (Madrid), Tanxugueiras (Galicia), Yo Diablo (Valencia), and Zetak (Basque Country).
Verschillende panels, workshops, keynotes en netwerkevenementen laten de conferentie-bezoekers de Spaanse muziekindustrie ontdekken. Ontmoet en netwerk met alle Spaanse partners en afgevaardigden in “The Spanish Lounge” en tijdens de ‘Meet The Spaniards!’ mixer op ESNS.