ESNS Conference: new panels & speakers announced


We are thrilled to share a new keynote speaker with you today. On Friday, January 20th, 2023, Scott Cohen will give a keynote at the ESNS Conference. Cohen is a well-established name in the music industry, as he co-founded the music distribution company The Orchard (now owned by Sony) and was the first-ever Chief Innovation Officer at Warner Music Group. Recently, Scott Cohen announced his departure from Warner to start a new venture around the fractionalized ownership of music royalties. While the details around this new company remain unknown for the time being, you can expect a cutting-edge keynote from one of the pioneers in the music industry.

We are furthermore excited to share some more panels with you, varying from sustainability, technological development, to mental health and diversity.

How to diversify your live crew
With Mojo, Glastonbury Festival and Backstage Pass

Diversity seems to be on everybody's wishlist so why should we re-invent the wheel everywhere? These organizations are already paving a way to add diverse crew (and keep them!) even in times of shortage. They share their insights on why and how through their struggles and learnings and give practical information about costs and gains.

Why Festival Must Engage In the Green Transition
Mia Frogner, Head of Sustainability at Øya Festival and Sanne Stephansen, Head of Sustainability at Roskilde Festival share examples from working with green transition and sustainable development. In this session facilitated by Christiaan Elings (International Green Deal Circular Festival), we will investigate how festivals can work together and how they can engage participants in the green transition using music, art and activism.

The Festival Panel
When the Covid pandemic passed, the 2022 season was a return to form for (almost) all festivals. ILMC head Greg Parmley invites four prestigious European festivals, IFF, Roskilde Festival, Superbloom and Eurockéennes De Belfort Festival, to present their events, and outline what makes them so unique, and how they weathered the last few years. With video, fun facts, and an opportunity to find out more about these festivals, this panel is consistently once of the most popular sessions.

The next festival: 2023 innovations to lead the change

Presented by EPIC and Innofest - Beautiful things can happen when creativity, and a mind set on making impact are placed in festival environments. Innofest will present solutions that will lead the change to a more sustainable way of organizing festivals. We will talk with five entrepreneurs to learn about their journey and learn about top notch innovations, ranging from high tech sensors to design for inclusiveness.