ESNS: 2017
Two of Ukraineʼs most fashionable and culturally relevant performers founded Onuka in 2013: Eugene Filatov and Nata Zhizhchenko. On stage their group expands to seven musicians and many varied tools: antique wooden flutes (sopilki), a Ukrainian lute (bandura), trombones, drums, and keyboards. Everything is then filtered through cutting-edge technology.The term Onuka means "granddaughter" in Ukrainian and pays directs immediate homage to Nataʼs grandfather, Oleksandr Shlionchyk. A recognized master craftsman, his skills are now evident in the stagecraft of a future generation. Nataʼs grandfather, in fact, was held in such regard that he restored a mandolin (or kobza) belong to Ukraineʼs national poet, Taras Shevchenko (1814-1861). It was important to keep memory audibly alive - and the same obligation remains today.

Playing at | Eurosonic