Parliament of Pop – Unf*ck Ticketing

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VR 19 Jan - 15:00 - 16:00 -
Event production, Festivals & venues, Politics & Policy
English spoken
Junk Fees, Secondary Ticketing or Dynamic Pricing, today’s common buzzwords surrounding the art of ticketing are keeping consumer watch dogs, politicians and lobbyists equally busy. Based on a law against the unauthorized resale of concert tickets, the promoter association Prodiss successfully sued Google in France for advertisements by ticket resell platforms, The trade body FEAT (Face-value European Alliance for Ticketing) lobbies for a legislative solution for the Face-value resale of tickets in Europe. Most recently, US-politicians introduced the “Fans First” Act, a wide-ranging bill with the potential to redefine the ticket business for live events thoroughly. Politicians have the ability to create and to ratify laws that define the legislative framework how concerts tickets supposed to sold in a fair and consumer friendly manner. Still yet certain legal aspects for this part of the live entertainment industry are neither in Europe nor in the US standardized. But the news-flow confirms, politicians on both sides of the Atlantic start looking more actively in this very prospering business. Time for a fresh round-up at the beginning of 2024, what to expect and what kind of legal solutions are politically applicable.
Moderator Sprekers