On Tuesday 17 January, the Pride Photo Exhibition 2022 opens on Groningen's Akerkhof. It is the second year in a row that Pride Photo will visit the city with its open-air photo exhibition. This year's theme is 'Celebrating the Unseen', through which Pride Photo aims to highlight the most unseen groups and unknown stories from the lhbti+ community.
The exhibition consists of 20 large panels. Besides the winning photos, several urgent, surprising and beautiful 'Unseen' visual stories will also be displayed, such as the extent to which lhbti+ people worldwide have been hit hard by the pandemic. But also the suppression of lhbti+ human rights, homosexuality in sports, loneliness among 'pink' elderly people and violence against trans people.
Groningen is the finale of the Pride Photo Exhibition 2022, which has been travelling throughout the Netherlands since 1 April and has visited all provinces. The exhibition is free to visit until 6 February.